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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2024-06-21
  • View count:1499

【Q1】Which archives are available for application?
A: You can apply the archives which are openly applied according to the Archives Law.

【Q2】How do I know the relevant directories of each institution’s archives ?
A: You can check each institution’s archives directories through 「Navigating Electronic Agencies Records(NEAR)」 of National Archives Administration.

【Q3】Who can apply for archives application ?
A: The general public, profit-making enterprise, instution or its authorized agent or appointor may apply for the prison’s archives in accordance with Taichung Prison Archives Application Notices.

【Q4】Is there an age limit for applying for archives application?
A: The lower age limit for applying for archives application is a question of whether or not a minor can apply for archives. It involves matters such as capacity to act and exercise of rights, since the Archives Law does not have a clear text. According to relevant regulations of the Administrative Procedure Law and the Civil Law, the adults who are over 20 years old and have legal capacity are the lower limit.

【Q5】How to apply for prison archives application ?
A: Written application in advance (in person or by post).

【Q6】How to obtain the prison archives application form ?
A: You can request it from the Pison Archives Office or download it from the "Service for the people- Archives Application Service" section of the Taichung Prison Website.

【Q7】What is the timetable for the prison to answer the archives application from the applicant ?
A: According to the Archives Law, the prison will notify the applicant in written form within 30 days from the date of acceptance (if there is any irregularity or incomplete information, the new date will be from the date of the applicant's correction).

【Q8】Does the time of archives viewing, transcript ing, etc. include copying, photocopying or printing?
A: The time of archives viewing and transcripting starts from the prison staff delivering archives to the applicant, and ends in returning them.

【Q9】When is the time for archives viewing, transcripting or copying? A: Opened on Monday through Friday, 9:00~12:00, 14:00~17:00. Closed on Saturday, Sunday and National Holidays.

【Q10】Where is place for archives viewing, transcripting or copying?
A: The place for archives viewing, transcripting or copying shall be in the Archives Room of Taichung Prison.

【Q11】Can a readers bring an assistant to the viewing place together? Does the accompanying person charge a fee?
A: If the applicant needs to bring an assistant together, he/she should apply in advance and obtain approval before entering the viewing place. Since the assistant is not an independent applicant, there is not charging fee separately.

【Q12】What is the charging standard fees for archives viewing, transcripting or copying?
A: 1. Apply for archives viewing, transcripting or copying for NT$20 per 2 hours, less than 2 hours, calculated in 2 hours. 2. Copy in black and white by photocopier. The B4 (including) size will be charged NT$2 each, and the A3 size will be NT$3 each. 3. The rest is charged according to the Archives Access Fee Standard by the National Archives Administration .

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