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E-Mail Processing Instructions

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2024-06-21
  • View count:1562

Mail processing rules:

  1. Superintendent’s Mailbox: The secretary, appointed by the superintendent receives and processes e-mails, which are written by the public. If the superintendent confirms the e-mails should to be dealt with,they are printed in papers, having document numbers and processing deadline, and handed over to the related sections. Finally, the processing result will be notified to the applicant by official document, telephone or e-mail.
  2. Public Opinion Mailbox: The Mail room staff is responsible for receiving and processing public opinion mails which are printed in papers and submitted to the superintendent. If the superintendent thinks they must be processed, they will have document numbers according to their contents with processing deadline, and handed over to the related sections. Finally, the processing result will be notified to the applicant by official document, telephone or e-mail.
  3. Government Ethics Mailbox: The Government Ethics staff of the prison receives, takes in charge of mails from the public, and deal with them according to the official document process.
  4. The Company Applies for the Processing Service Mailbox: The Business Section staff of the prison receives, takes in charge of mails from the public, and deal with them according to the official document process.

E-mail reply time:

The general case responds to the applicant within 7 days according to the official document process.

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