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Historical Retrospect

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  • Last updated:2024-06-21
  • View count:2101

Historical Retrospect-Pictures of Japanese Occupation Period
During the Japanese occupation period, the prison held the annual education and judo competition awarding ceremony for controllers(April 29, 1940)   Photo of controllers in Japanese occupation period   Photo of Controllers
(Japanese occupation period(1942))

Photo of Fire Drill
Controllers and inmates used faucet to spray water to the kitchen site. (Japanese occupation period(March, 1940))
   The graduation group photo of teachers and students of the 1th Taichung Prison Staff Kindergarten (Japanese occupation period(March, 25, 1938))   The former superintendent and the director of control section stood at the podium and lectured to inmates in from of education hall.
(Japanese occupation period(1938))

Historical Retrospect- Pictures of old prison reform
Old Prison (Taichung Prison) - Second educational block   Old Prison (Taichung Prison) – Old Women’s Prison   Old Prison (Taichung Prison) –The pool in from of superintendent room

Old Prison (Taichung Prison) –Administrative Building   Old Prison (Taichung Prison) –Xinsheng Street, Taichung City   Old Prison (Taichung Prison) – Sunrise Pavilion

Old Prison (Taichung Prison) – Prison Gate   Old Prison (Taichung Prison) –Datong Bridge(Taichung Detention Center is in back of the bridge)   New prison (Taichung Prison) – Gate outward appearance

New prison (Taichung Prison) – Before construction   New prison (Taichung Prison) –Construction site   Shi Qiyang, Minister of Ministry of Justice inspected new prison construction on May 15th,1987

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