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  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2024-06-21
  • View count:2469

All-weather Corridor of Taichung Prison

Authorized by the Ministry of Justice, Taichung Prison holds male inmates serving prison sentence, including:

  • The ones enforced by Taichung Branch, Taiwan High Prosecutors Office and Taiwan Taichung District Prosecutors Office.
  • The ones sentenced to more than five years imprisonment enforced by Taiwan Miaoli District Prosecutors office.

In addition, the prison holds other male inmates, including those:

  • Need dialysis, or with psychosis or pulmonary tuberculosis District Prosecutors Office.
  • With critical illness.
  • Receive rehabilitation treatment.
  • Meet the requirements of Operation Directions for Inmate Transfe.

Affiliated facilities:

  • Skills Training Institution – Offers training courses for baking, caring service, local cuisine and computer skills.
  • Taichung Branch Prison – Taichung Detention Center is entrusted at the place of Taichung Prison's branch to hold inmates sentenced to incarceration for less than 7 years.
  • Miaoli Branch Prison – Miaoli Detention Center is entrusted at the place of Taichung Prison's branch to hold inmates sentenced to incarceration for less than 7 years.
  • Nantou Branch Prison – Nantou Detention Center is entrusted at the place of Taichung Prison's branch to hold inmates sentenced to incarceration for less than 5 years.
  • Nantun Branch Prison – Taichung Rehab Institution is entrusted at the place of Taichung Prison's branch to hold inmates sentenced to incarceration for less than 7 years.
  • Taichung Open Branch Prison – Taichung Prison operates and holds inmates selected by the Ministry of Justice under Statue of Open Prisons Article 4.  The work-flow, procedures, conditions, examination guidelines, and other binding matters for notification shall be prescribed by the Ministry of Justice.
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