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Sign Language ~ Better communication and Great for Inmates in Need on October 24, 2022

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  • Last updated:2023-02-14
  • View count:150

Taichung Prison has put effort into creating a friendly environment for deaf or hard-of-hearing inmates by promoting sign language training program at jail with other school and charities, in hope to help this minority group better their life and also prevent them from being trapped in frightening isolation inside prison.
Thanks to Mr. Liao’s generosity and care, the first session of the training program finished on October 24th, 2022. The inmates who completed the course received certificate at the graduation ceremony and are expected to act as sign language interpreter for the facility and the prisoners with hearing impairment.
This heartful program will extend for another session, not only to encourage the present learners to continue to improve their ability, but also to enroll more inmates to acquire this unique and useful skill.

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